Installer supports motu 828, 896, 828mk2, 896hd, and traveler. I am having a problem with what seems to be the firmware on my 828 mkii. The motu 828 mk2 is a 14 x 10 audio and midi interface designed for the home studio daw that will support up to 96 khz. Uploaded on the firmware on clean win 10.

Motu 828 Mk Ii Mac And PC
I recently installed Ubuntu 11.10, which is proving to be a nice OS - its pretty fun to learn. The original MOTU 828 , launched in 2001 and reviewed in SOS July 2001, has proved to be an incredibly popular Firewire audio interface for both Mac and PC users. So we're here to help.Now, they've replaced the 828 with a MkII version offering high sample-rate recording, more flexible clocking, MIDI I/O and better metering and, what's more, they've cut the price. Sequencing music is no easy task. From United Kingdom.Tips, tricks, and honest community help for the simplest of problems you may be having no matter if you're a newb or a master. Customs services and international tracking provided.
Motu 828 Mk Ii Free To Volunteer
We don't want to see your floor mat that looks like the Ableton logo.Participate in good faith and avoid being mean, condescending, or outright insulting other users.No piracy. Memes and shitposts have been deemed by the community as non-Ableton stuff. Try not to post about non-Ableton stuff. Everyone should bookmark the Live manual, for it loves you.Try to post about Ableton stuff. Rules:Do not tell people to RTFM (read the fucking manual) unless you're also posting the specific section that covers their inquiry. Its connected by firewire to the valid FireWire port on my computer, and so (I Feel free to volunteer great resources you find on the net regarding writing music, the Ableton DAW, or tutorials and the like.
In regards to self promo, do not be a brand with a reddit account, be a redditor with a brand. Feedback requests are encouraged in the relevant weekly threads. Don't ask, don't tell.Blatant self promotion and/or requests for feedback on your tracks are not permitted submissions. Unless you can prove someone is using pirated software, don't accuse someone of using it. Linking to piracy-centric subs also prohibited.

My 828mkII is the firewire version, and the 828x doesn't have a FW port so I'm using optical cables to connect them. I am now moving my old workhorse 828mkII to my synth rack where it's going to provide additional input/output for my devices there, mostly to be able to the use the outputs to control my modular with Ableton's CV Tools and also to take audio from synths and my modular freeing up some of my desktop patchbay. Click here before asking for something./r/Ableton's new Discord Contest Winners: Date/Contest NameClick here to see all the rack posts on /r/Ableton./U/LFObbq'S Big list of favorite free Max4Live Devices Don't forget to check out our sister sites /r/MadeWithAbleton and /r/AbletonRacks!Slightly off topic for strictly Ableton, but since I'm going to use this setup with Ableton I figured it was ok to post here.I just got myself a new interface- a MOTU 828x. No all caps titles.No infographics unless you're going to post the entire text of the infographics inside the post as well./r/Ableton's Official Resource Thread - Updated for 2018, and not just for people learning. All post asking a question must end with a question mark. It should be clear what your post is about from the title itself.
The 828mkIII and later interfaces do support 8 in and 8 out but not the original 828 or the mkII. I have found plenty of articles that explain how to set up a satellite interface via optical connections to provide more inputs and I've been able to set this up so that it works as expected, however I'm coming up pretty empty when it comes to the reverse- the closest thing I've found is a Tech Tips article on MOTU's site explaining in depth how to set up a satellite interface to expand the inputs, and at the end it just says, essentially offhandedly, if you want to use the optical outputs, follow the same procedure "just choose digital inputs and analog outputs." OK cool, but that seems to mean I lose the ability to use the digital outputs and analog inputs at the same time.This may very well just be an issue setting things up in CueMix which I try to avoid dealing with at all costs but I should be able to use both simultaneously, correct?Can anyone walk me through this process? Thanks in advanceEDIT: Turns out this is not possible- according to tech support at MOTU the 828mkII only supports 8 channels of in OR out (tho you can mix and match) not 8 in and 8 out simultaneously.